
Friday, 26 February 2010

Digi Delights!

Good evening, all Bloggy-type friends!

After all the excitement with Bunnies and Giveaways, it's time I came back to earth.  I posted the Bunny today and hope the excited winner will get her tomorrow (or else Monday).

Now for some other lovely stuff, which I did not make.

For ages and ages, I have been following the blog of Kirsty Wiseman. You may know her yourself, as she's a very active and busy lady in the crafting world.  Recently she published a cd rom of print-at-home papers, embellishments and cute little ladies, which she called "Patti Picklicious".  There were zillions of things on this fabby cd and I even used some of Kirsty's papers to make covers for some of my books (with her permission).

She has now produced a second CD.  This one is even bigger and more luscious than the last. It's called "Kirsty Wiseman's Colour Burst of Fanciful Things" and is currently only available from Kirsty's own online shop.  That's until next week. On Wednesday, Kirsty has to go on telly, to sell her CD on Create and Craft (midday, March 3rd). 

This new CD has 1300 images, including papers, templates, greetings and embellishments.  They can be printed off at home for cards and scrapping. I am sure they will be as lovely as the first CD and I'm waiting with some anticipation, to get my sticky paws on my own copy.

So, I strongly suggest you whizz over to Kirsty's Shop right now and take advantage of the fact that it's not generally available yet, as the CDs will fly out of the Create and Craft shop faster than you can say "Kirsty Wiseman"!

Kirsty also has some digi images available in her shop (jpeg format). These can be printed off, either ready-coloured, or plain outlines for you to colour by hand, then used for cards or scrapping; they could also be used in your digi scrap pages.

If you go to Kirsty's shop here, there are two freebies available to download and use for your own personal scrapping or crafty projects.  She also has some lovely dollies and yummy cake designs.

The shop site is still being constructed and new items are being added all the time.  There are plans for Digi Stamps and stuff aimed specifically at digi scrappers. 

There is also a Video Tutorial, to show how to get started with digi scrapping, for the bargain price of £5.

The tutorial is in the form of a downloadable video file, which will take some time to download.  You will be sent a link to the download, then have 2 days in which to access the link and download the file to your pc. The video itself is then yours to watch as often as you like.  You need Quicktime running on your computer, in order to run the video - there's a link to get quicktime in the Tutorial listing at Kirsty's shop.

I am a definite Kirsty Fan! Kirsty has been so generous, over the years, with her talent and skill.  She has been producing digi stuff for ages (before most people had even heard of digital scrapbooking!) and has often posted free downloads for her blog followers.  It's great to see she now has a shop and that her CDs are doing so well.  She has worked amazingly hard and really deserves to do well - I wish her ooodles of success!


  1. Thanks for your kind words - as ever - on my blog.
    As another Kirsty fan I am off there too

    Have a fab weekend,

  2. Ooh, thanks for the tip! (Thanks also for your kind words and helpful suggestions about my Alice pages - will have to look out for some of that canvas, it sounds great x)


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