
Friday, 5 February 2010

It's Friday...

Greetings from the Studio, where I'm slouching lazily in my pj's, with my Assistant close at hand...

Well, this has been an interesting week... Guinea pig salon on Tuesday morning, lovely parcels in the post, trips to the hospital, books nearly finished...

Oh, I had better tell you about it all really! 

Well, you know about the guinea pigs.  They are still happy in their high-rise houses, squeaking away, so we'll just let them get on with it, shall we?

I tempted fate on Tuesday.  I said it had been a quiet day. That's never a good idea.  On Tuesday afternoon, just around tea time, the phone rang. It was my mum's friend, to say that Mum had been unwell while she was visiting and she had pressed the emergency buzzer for their warden support.  They sent a paramedic, who called an ambulance and she was about to be carted off to hospital for a check-up. 

This isn't the first time, by any means.  We have these incidents every few months now and are getting used to it.  Poor mum has a variety of health issues - too many to get into now - which can cause her problems.  She has had this happen a number of times; she has a sudden pain in her chest and goes all white etc etc.  So they call an ambulance.  Of course, it's never clear what is causing the problem, so she's always sent to hospital.  We're so used to it now that she has a "hospital bag" in her bedroom cupboard, with a wash bag ready packed, a book, pack of cards, radio etc.  There's also a bag to put her meds in, so she can take them to the hospital and keep taking them as she needs them.  I know the routine now, so I go and get her stuff, put a coat and shoes in the boot of the car and follow on to A&E.  It always takes ages for her to arrive, so by the time I have done those jobs, she's usually there and just getting settled in for the duration.

Last time this happened it wasn't so simple.  She had severe pain in the left side of her chest and no-one could work out why.  Her best friend was there and she went to the hospital first.  They sent mum to the ward and we stayed til late, as she was still in pain and we were worried.  In the end, after a couple of days, they had to conclude it was connected with her kneck, which has osteoarthritis, and / or muscular-skeletal issues. She was okay by then, if a bit stiff, so was shipped off home again.  We eventually decided it was most likely caused by a jolt she'd had from the seat belt, when I had to stop in a hurry a few days before (a woman pulled out of a turning ahead, drove straight at us, then swerved at the last minute.). We both said "Ow!" at the time and we think it may have injured her shoulder/collarbone muscles.

This time was more straightforward, thank goodness.  As soon as I could get J. organised - fed and homework packed up - we went to Mum's to get her stuff, check the cat etc, then to the hospital.  She was there, having blood tests and looking okay (if a bit tired and shell-shocked).  She didn't need oxygen (asthma) or pain killers and was able to sit up a bit and chat.  We basically just sat with her, trying not to get in the way of the nurses and drs.  My sister came down from Northampton at about 8:30 and I took J. off home to bed. 

On Wednesday morning, the Dr. came round and saw Mum.  He said they didnt really know what had caused the attack. It wasn't her heart, lungs etc.  Blood tests were all fine, no sign of heart attack or other problems.  Apart from her usual health issues she was fine.  So she could come home again.  I went down to fetch her, we had a nice lunch in the restaurant at the hospital (they do yummy food - not like the patients' meals, which are rubbish!).  Then I took her home, helped with any jobs she needed, tidied away her hospital stuff and left her sitting comfortably, about to have a nap (as she got v. little sleep on Tuesday night!).

She has been fine since then and went out to lunch with some friends yesterday.  And we're no wiser about the cause of the pain, than we've been before.  Each time she says she's "never had a pain like this before". Each time they look at her and can't find anything wrong (except on the odd occasion when it's been a severe chest infection or pneumonia!).  Then they pat her on the head and send her home. And we all go back to normal, til the next time. 

I think she is right, that it's to do with the neurological problems she's developed over the last few years.  The pain is always to her left side, but in different places each time.  It looks as if it's somehow connected with her chest muscles, but we dont' know - and neither, it seems, do the doctors.  But we're grateful it wasn't serious this time and that she could come home so quickly - and feel fine again!

So I spent yesterday catching up with jobs etc.  Then in the afternoon I carried on with a book I've been making for my shop.  It's almost finished... I have one more thing to do.  Then I will take pictures and post it in the shop - and a picture of it here.  I'm also in the middle of a photo album for my niece, C, whose baby is due in less than 4 weeks.  It's coming on nicely. I may get it finished today (if I stop blogging and start working!).

I still have it in mind to make some more tutorials.  I remember saying I'd try to do a "Sock Cat" one... then there's the idea of some more simple book binding stuff.  I wish the light was better, because I could take photos of the books I'm making as I go along, then post them with instructions!  Maybe I could do another hand-drawn one for you.  Ideas are brewing....

Meantime, I told you all that I had won this in a giveaway by Mel of Feltmeupdesigns:

This lovely little Tweet arrived at the weekend.  She is sooo cute and I had to fend off J. who wanted to keep her for himself!

Mel uses little birds' nests and birdhouses as props to display her lovely felted birds.  She posted a link to this shop, where I bought myself this:

My little bird needed somewhere to live...

I did take a nice photo of my Tweet with her new home, but my camera battery has run out, so I'll have to post it this evening. 

See you all later!


  1. Very sorry to hear about your mum, Lizzie. We have a similar routine with my mum who also has lots of health problems. It can be very scary for everyone, I know.

    Your little birdhouse is just beautiful! And I love your hand drawn tutorials :)

  2. Sorry to hear about your Mum, hun xx

    Love the cat pic, and the bird is sooo cute :-)

  3. I'm sorry to hear that your mom is having problems. My first thought is that she needs a chiropractor (I work for one) because usually when there's unexplained pain it's connected to spinal alignment -- just a thought!

    I love that little bird!!!

  4. Yes, Deb! I've been trying to get her to go and see my osteopath. They could assess her and try v.gentle cranial stuff. She's too worried because of the arthritis in her kneck. Her experience of osteopaths is bone-crunching stuff, not the cranial treatment. She can't believe it won't be like that and she doesn't accept that "Cranial" doesn't only mean they work on your head.
    Frankly I think she's just doing that "la la la...I can't hear you..." thing - I'm sure she has understood what I said. But what can I do?
    Thank you for the helpful suggestion though.

  5. oooh poor mummy, my mumgets pains and falls over and stuff and suffers from epilepsy but she has an emergency button called my dad to ring when required!!!!! we have spent alot of time with both her and my mum in hospital for various complaints so i can empathise. i think those alarms are brilliant.
    glad she's feeling better, osteopath sounds like a good idea but can understand why she might be reticent........pain in a terribel thing as u know and it makes us more fearful.
    i love that bird and would love to see it in it's little house soon,
    Jo xxx

  6. Sorry to hear about your mum Lizzie x

    Loving the cute little birdie house.

  7. Lizzie, thankgoodness it wasn't a heart attack - having said that, being unsure of the causes can be so frustrating and just as worrying at times.


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