
Thursday, 18 March 2010

Pink and Pretty!

Well, today has gone quite well.  Thanks to all friends for their kind comments and encouragement - I am feeling much more cheerful and positive, thank you!

I have managed to do quite a few jobs today - I did some cleaning (!!!), went to my mum's and cooked her lunch, did some jobs for her before I came home, caught up with a few blogs I hadn't kept up with recently...

Oh, and I finished Deb's prize book! That pink one in the picture above is her prize (remember my World Book Day giveaway?).  She left it up to me to choose the sort of fastening to add, so I have done just that.  I have made it look quite nice, I think and I really hope that, when it finally arrives in Arizona, Deb will agree with me.  I took some photos of the finished book, but I don't think it would be fair for you folks to see it, until Deb has had the chance to open her parcel and see it first! So, you will need to wait for photos, I'm afraid.  And Deb will be waiting for her book to arrive. 

Deb, it normally takes around 10 days for books I post to reach most addresses in USA.  Sometimes it only takes 7 days and occasionally it's taken longer than 10 - but those were out-of-the-way addresses. I hope to post this tomorrow and that it will be with you by the end of the month at worst!

* * *

Also, on the theme of Pink... This little Sock Pet has been featured by Cuteable - a blog that only posts features with Cute finds. 

They featured my sock cats last year, but missed my Zebra and Leopard, which I submitted to them, because Cuteable were so busy in the run-up to Christmas, that they'd been sold by the time they got back to me!  This time, she came back to me really quickly and my Sock Kitten is on today's post!  I'm really pleased! I left it up to her to choose which thing she liked, so this was her selection.

Which reminds me that I really should go now and get on with the Sock Bunnies and Puppy I've almost finished and the new Kittens I haven't even started yet!

Good Night All!


  1. The sock kitten is just gorgeous, Lizzie.

  2. Thank you so much, Lizzie. I really appreciate you posting my prize internationally. I know it is added expense. I just can't wait to receive my book!!! :o)!!!

    PS: LOVE the little sock kitten! xo

  3. What a sweet face on that kitty!

  4. aww that sock kitten needs to live at my house it's so adorable. glad ur feeling better, i'm also abit more optimistic this am. have a g8 day
    Jo xxx

  5. No wonder they wanted to feature the sock kitten..very, very cute indeed!

  6. What a cutie! I love your sock kitten!

  7. Oh, congratulations :-) It is indeed very cute! x

  8. Oooh, love your sock kitten! Adorable!


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