
Tuesday, 2 March 2010

She's Here!

This morning, at 5:55am, my mobile phone started shouting at me.  It does that when someone sends me a text message.
I have it set on loud, because otherwise I don't hear it "twinkle" if it's in my bag - which is where it usually lives. 
But last night I left it in the studio, on my desk.  So I did hear it at 5:55am!!  Worried that it would wake J. I scampered across the hallway to fetch it.

The message read "Sorry if I wake you. Had lil' lady, Alexie May, 9lb 2oz, at 4:25am"

Yippee! This is my brand new baby Great Niece! She's a cousin for Elle, our other great niece, who is now 17 months old.  J. is excited too.  It's great for him, as he has no brother or sister, so his little cousins will give him someone to look after, fuss over and care for - and I hope, be friends with.

It's not a fab photo, but it's all I have so far. Very new and still with damp hair! 

Apparently she is very cute and has fluffy hair, so I will wait for more pictures later. I so want to go and see them, but it's not a good idea yet. I think I'll be more welcome later in the week, or next week, so I will just wait til it's okay to visit. Maybe we can pop over at the weekend. 

So we have been celebrating today, even though my mum has gastroenteritis and I spent much of the day over there taking care of her (another reason why a visit to my niece in hospital may not be a great plan right now - not a great welcome for a new baby, to give her a tummy bug!).

Good night all Blog Friends, from a very happy Lizzie!


  1. Oh! Congratulations, Aunt Lizzie! She's so cute - chubby cheeks and nice head of hair. Enjoy her!!! :o)

  2. Wonderful, fabulous and fantastic news! Congratulations to you all :-)

  3. What a precious gift! You can tell that she's fresh from God!

  4. Congratulations! I bet you are a great Great Auntie. That's a very pretty name.

  5. aw she's lovely. hope she loves her pressies
    Jo xxx

  6. How exciting! Many congratulations xx

  7. Congratulations, Auntie!!

  8. Congratulations! She is adorable!

  9. Congratulations lizzie, she is so cute.


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