
Monday, 29 March 2010

A Sunny Sunday in Springtime

Yesterday was definitely a Spring Day!  The clocks changed overnight, then the weather was really nice - if a bit changeable.  I intended to take a walk in the middle of the day, but it was very overcast and threatening rain, so I gave it up.

But at 4pm it was warm, sunny and lovely, so out I went, with J, who was complaining of a headache - having spent his day on homework, drawing, computer game, more homework, writing, more computer.  I thought the fresh air would do us good - it certainly did. We walked to the river and had a really lovely time.

J. going along the footpath to the big field
Walking across the big field to the river
(J. always has to collect a stick!)

View across the big field, to the village
A lovely cedar tree
The church, seen along the road from the river bridge
The road bridge across the river
The weir, upstream from the bridge, with fields beyond
The bridge, seen from the weir
Happy in the sunshine!

That's my little photo album. We really enjoyed our walk and had a good appetite for dinner when we got home.  J. forgot he'd ever had a headache!

* * *


Today, Deb has posted about her Giveaway Prize, which has arrived safely.  I thought it would be ok now to put up a couple of photos of the pink felt book, with its new closure, that I added for Deb.

These were the original Prizes (Sian won the brown mini-notebook)

I added a flower with a silver button, attached to a ribbon tie closure.

Here it is closeup
and this is a view of the back cover, where the other ribbon is fixed on.

I thought about "tidying up" the back, with another button or by tucking the ribbon through a slit in the cover, but in the end I thought it looked quite nice like that, so I left it alone.

Deb is pleased with her prize - so I'm happy!

I hope to make a little tutorial soon, to show how I make the paper flowers I sent to Deb (and have in my Etsy shop).  They're lovely and easy, but look very pretty. There is a 4 and 6 petal version. I will try to get this set up soon, with some good photos to illustrate it.

Have a good week, everyone!


  1. I love how the pink book ended up :) Yesterday was lovely here too and got us in a holiday mood..but today has been freezing and very wet. Oh well, it's only the first day of the holidays

  2. The closure is very Deb! We have spring showers today, and I miss the sunshine.

  3. It looks like you had a lovely day - and the book is so pretty xx

  4. I LOVE your village Lizzie; makes me quite homesick. The English countryside is something I do miss from time to time (but not the rain, LOL!)


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