
Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Wednesday Already...

Hello all Friends!  It's Wednesday evening already - amazing! The week is flying by...

However, I have made a little progress this week, in various ways.

But first: When I looked up from my desk this morning, this is what I saw -
I said "Hello, what are you doing, up there?"
"Hello. I'm peeping...."
"Peeping at what?"
"At you. What are you doing?"
"Reading my mail"
"So I know what's going on. Why are you peeping?"
"So I know what's going on.  What are you doing now?"
"Looking for my camera."
"So I can take your picture..." *Click*
"Oh!  Why did you do that?"
"So I can show you to all my blogging friends. You look so sweet, peeping down at me, little Peeping Puppy!"

I mean, really, who could resist that face?  I shall have to sell him soon, or I'll end up keeping him!

So, onward and upward...
I finally gave in and signed up to Shimelle's new class! For any who don't know, it's called "Something from almost Nothing" and is about using up your vast amounts of Stash! The first prompt arrived this morning. It was about using up metal stuff, like brads, eyelets etc etc

So, I made this:
Hmm, looks a bit odd actually. I think it's because it was taken from a strange angle. 

Anyway, you may notice I have used no fewer than 14 Brads on this one card.  Not to mention the various fabric flowers I've been hoarding, also the papers I printed off last year (Kirsty Wiseman's fabby "Patti Picklicious" CD) and some mauve ribbon I bought about 2 years ago because I liked the leaf design, and a bit of purple ribbon that came wrapped round a birthday cake or something... and some spare art paper I have had for at least a year...

I did not use a single thing that I bought more recently than a year ago! I'm pleased with myself about this.. I've been trying not to buy stash (unless it's for a paid piece of work). Besides, like most of us, I have loads (and loads, and loads...) of stuff already.

And another success, is that I do have the commission, to make another Baby book, similar to the one I made for my niece.  The lady who wants it has chosen her papers, from a vast array I offered her (see my "Papers" page link on the right!!).  This morning I went out to the local scrapbook shop, to buy the pale pink cardstock needed for the pages.  I got a couple of lengths of ribbon too, as I wanted some that complements the papers nicely. I'm going to get started on cutting the card for pages this evening, then the fun begins!

Off to do some Work! Bye All...

Ah, before I forget... if you're one of the various Blogging folks who've been thinking/talking about/doing a Journal or Art Journal recently, take a quick look at this post on Useful Books' Blog.

Oh and don't forget that my Book Week Giveaway closes on Friday evening. If you haven't entered yet, go and look at the Giveaway Post and leave your comments. You might win you know!


  1. Success for me, too. I've been laying out all kinds of layouts that dig deep into my stash!

  2. Sounds like a successful start,Lizzie.

  3. Well done Lizzie - you've made a start on reducing stash! I'm going to give it a go today as well :-)

  4. Glad you joined in the class! I like your card!

    The puppy is SOOOOO cute!!! I know what you mean about wanting to keep him. I made a little bunny to use as a giveaway (going to post this weekend) and he's sitting on my desk looking so cute. I might have to make another one to keep for myself! :o)

  5. That little peeking puppy is sooo cute!! Great job using up your stash!

  6. That's a lot of brads! A great start. That puppy is a little dear :)

  7. Very cute lol :-)

    Lovely card, well done you! I've managed 2 layouts inspired by the first prompt and have ideas for my Celebrate Life project too so I'm feeling like I already got my money's worth!

  8. I signed up too but have not even looked at the class yet! I am gonna get on it this weekend...

    and that sweet little face is adorable! Who could resist!!!

  9. Thank you, All, for your comments. It's so nice to get feedback on my efforts!
    I love that puppy... he has to be sold, however! I must finish the next one (who is destined to be a Bichon. After a few folks thought the Westie was one, I did some research - face shape is a little different - so watch out for a Bichon next!
    The class is fun already (and there I was saying I couldn't possibly find the time. Shimelle told me I was a "silly girl" lol!


I love to read your comments!