
Friday, 5 March 2010

World Book Day Giveaway (Belated!)

Hello all Blog Friends!

I'm a bit late with this post, but I hope you'll all forgive me. My mum has had a bad tummy bug this week and I've spent a lot of time helping her. So consequently everything at home has "slid" a bit!

Yesterday was "World Book Day" - though I think the definition of  "World" is a bit flexible, since, as far as I'm aware, it was only celebrated in the U.K!  Still, it's a bit of fun.

As I am a Book Binder and have a shop on Etsy to sell my work. Also, as I love to give presents and my books are always well-received as gifts, I thought I would have a little Giveaway. 

I am also celebrating the birth, on Tuesday, of this young lady:

Therefore, my giveaway book just has to be Pink!

Book Prize One

This is a small, felt-covered sketchbook or mini album. It has stiffened covers, covered with soft pink felt and lined with lovely mauve mulberry paper.
The sections are stitched with silver thread, which shows on the spine. There are 12 pages (24 sides) of good quality, thick drawing paper.
The paper is stiff enough to hold scrap pages, or photos, though the book wouldn't take too many thick embellishments before going out of shape.
It would be great as a pocket sketch book, notebook for planning a special occasion (a baby shower perhaps?), even a small guest book for a special party - I'm sure you could think of your own use for it! 
It measures approx 5" x 4.5".

To make it extra nice, I will attach a ribbon fastening, in your choice of colour. 

To Enter this Giveaway:

Leave a comment, telling me your colour choice for the ribbon tie and whether you'd like it to wrap right round the cover lengthways (like this book), widthways (like this book) or just be attached at the front edges, with or without a brad or button (like this book)!

Book Prize Two

I thought it might be nice to offer another little book also.  A while ago, I bought two hand-made books from Helen Coldwell, of Bad Books

I have a dear little mini-note book here, with a leather-look cover, lined with Liberty print fabric. 
The pages are of stiff, creamy-peach coloured paper and it has a stitched binding, which shows along the spine.
It's a sweet little book, only 3 1/2 x 2 1/2 inches in size, with 40 pages (80 sides). 
It would fit in almost any pocket or handbag, to hold your special notes or little sketches - how about that "Ideas" notebook that was being discussed in Blogland the other day? 

Mini Notebook by BadBooks on Etsy

To Enter this Giveaway:

Leave a comment to tell me what you'd do with this teeny weeny book!


If you leave a comment for each book, then you're in with a chance to win both!  I will select two comments at random, one from the "Pink Book" comments and one from the "Mini Book" comments. 

The giveaway closes on Friday evening next week (March 12th).

* * *

Also, while we're on the subject of Giveaways, why not pop over to my niece's blog? Keri-Anne is having a giveaway, in collaboration with That Unreliable Girl.  The prize is a print of one of Keri-Anne's lovely photographs

Two giveaways for the price of one - Bargain!

Happy Friday!


  1. if i won the pink book i would choose a bright cerise pink ribbon which wnet around the whole book and tied together. for the liberty book, i would use it for putting in my fave poems and quotes cos i love collecting them and my other book is getting rather full!
    Jo xxxx

  2. Lovely books, Lizzie. If I win I will let you choose the ribbon and closure! And I would love to have that little black book to carry in my purse for sketching.

    Funny that you posted these - this is how I plan to bind my niece's wedding guest book this weekend (round two). Wish me luck!


  3. Lovely books Lizzie, If I were to win the pink book I would choose a white ribbon to go around the book lengthways. I would use this cute little book as my Baby No2 memory book as they think I am having a little Girl! :)

  4. I think I might let you choose the ribbon, too because you obviously know how to make a book look good! I would use the teeny book for collecting outrageous quotes from various family members, so I can share them on my blog :)

  5. oh ... if i win the lovely pink journal, i'll give it to my loveli doughter!
    And if i win the other one, i think i'll use it to write my toughts! And it will stay in my bag, sure!

  6. Both books are gorgeous and would be perfect for all sorts of things.I'd be happy to let you choose the that would make it a bit of a surprise.
    Hope your mum's better now.

  7. For the pink book, I like an up and down black ribbon!

    For the second book, I would use it was a work plan for class ideas I want to teach!!!


  8. fabulous books and I love all the details you gave us

    If I won the pink book I'd ask for silver ribbon lengthwise

    If I won the little book I'd use it to jot down the little snippents of life that make me happy or laugh because I want to scrap more of those things

  9. For the pink book I like the third option of closure with a white button and white ribbon - very sweet by the way! And, for the second book, I would use it as a place to collect the sayings of my children, I've just finished up all the pages in my notebook and need a new, handy and cute of course, collection place :-) You are so talented Lizzie, the books are great! By the way, we must have been chanelling each others thoughts on the mini-album theme this week :-)

  10. Ooh! If I won then I would have green ribbon on the pink book, is that wrong?! Then I would fill it with lovely sketches :)

  11. pink with black ribbon.

    little book for 2010 memories.


  12. Hello Lizzie, I've enjoyed my visit to your blog. Your books are just lovely. Congratulations on your new
    niece. Thanks for visiting Soartful.

  13. I would scribble my project 365 in the tiny book

  14. and for the pink book.......well it would have to be used in my wedding as a guest book!

    great giveaways! x

  15. What a beautiful giveaway!

    For the pink book I think a purple ribbon would be lovely but would leave how it was attached down to your discretion.

  16. For the mini book, wow how cute, it would be a mini journal for my my ideas. I am trying to journal more but usually find I don't have paper or pen to hand when I have something to journal!

    Thank you for the chance to enter, I'll pop your giveaway on my sidebar :)


I love to read your comments!