
Thursday, 8 April 2010

All The News... Right Here!

Well, it's been ages since I posted anything on my blog, though I've been busily reading and commenting on others' stuff every day.

I haven't had any lack of things to photograph, talk about or write about - I've just been busy or tired.  So, as they say on TV : "Here is the News"

This young lady came to visit.  So did her mummy and daddy, her auntie, her nanny and great-grandma... Our house was a busy place!

We had a lovely roast turkey lunch, with apple pie or chocolate flan for dessert. Yum!
After lunch we gave out our Easter presents, played on the trampoline and went to the local playground for a walk, and to play.

18 Months old now!
E had such fun on the trampoline

Here are four generations of our family - Great Grandma, Grandma, Mummies and Daughters

D. was home for the long weekend.  Sherlock was pleased to see him (as were we).

Blissed out cat...

D. and J. had a game of Warhammer - on the very small board in my studio. It didn't last long - D's forces were surrounded by J's and were soon wiped out!

The weather was lovely.  We did jobs for Grandma, then had a "homework session", as J. has a Geography project to do over the holidays.  He has to produce a report all about where he lives.  We had helped him with some planning over the weekend, so he started to gather his information together.

We had a go at tidying J's bedroom.  Once the Lego and soft toys were picked up, there was a bit of floor visible! Swept up a great heap of dust and fluff - J. got a lecture on health and hygiene!

In the cause of gathering information for the Geography Project, also because it was a fine and sunny afternoon and we were fed up being stuck inside, we went for a walk round the village.
The fields are all green, the trees are beginning to grow leaves.  The daffodils are all out (at last!).
and the Blackthorn blossoms are coming out!
Spring is here!

More homework. J. worked very hard and got some writing/typing done.  More bedroom tidying - this time we put all the books away, cleared his model table and sorted out the boxes under the bed.  It is looking much better. More piles of dust and fluff...

It rained most of the day, so no walk. We enjoyed playing with our computers. I did housework and laundry, worked on my current book commission and my Etsy shop. J. did some drawing and painted his models.  We ate yummy stuff for tea and did that vegging thing in front of the tv. It was a good, lazy old day. 

Jeff, the builder came, to have a look at the new shower, which seemed to have a leak.  The tiles under the shower controls have developed a mottled appearance.  He made a hole in the wall and found all the plaster was wet and mouldy.  Yuk!

The sun shone again. It was so warm, it was like summer already! 

More homework - much progress is being made.  We took a break from tidying the bedroom though.

The garden chaps came and tidied up a bit, mowed the grass and did a little pruning. The garden looks lovely, but I didn't think to take a photo! Maybe tomorrow.

We finished our tour of the village, taking photos of different types of housing, the post office, hairdressers, quilting/needlecraft shop, a bus, the schools and pre-school, churches, old rail station (now a garage), farms etc. 
It was a lovely walk in the sunshine and we enjoyed ourselves very much. We came home and ate ice cream!

Jeff came back and repaired the pipework for the shower. He has left the tile cement to set and will come back to finish tomorrow afternoon.  As usual, he's doing a great job.  The leak wasn't really his fault, as it is from the screw fitting where the shower hose attaches, but it caused damage because of where the fitting was positioned - the pipe came out between the little square border tiles, which meant he hadn't been able to seal it properly.  The water had seeped in behind the tiles. He has moved it down a bit, so it can be sealed with mastic and won't leak through again. Hopefully we can also cure the leaky shower hose too!

So far this has been a lovely week.  Tomorrow will be a bit busy, as my mum has a dentist appointment in the morning and Jeff is due back to finish his repair.  I'm sure I'll fit in some relaxing, crafts and blogging somewhere along the line!


  1. Great to have an update :-) Sounds like you had a lovely Easter! Good to see your signs of spring and that beautiful church, too x

  2. Sounds like the geography project has meant some interesting walks around the locality.
    You've obviously been having a busy time....hope you get some crafting time tomorrow.

  3. Hmmmm . . . I can see why you've been too busy to go check on the winner for the blogging survey (giggle). It will be worth your while to check it out!
    Thanks for posting such happy pictures.

  4. Hi Lizzie ~ So glad to see you back in the blog-game. Lovely photos and great update here.

    You are so lucky to have those sqeezable little girls in your life. They are just adorable!!! :o)

  5. I always enjoy reading your news sounds like easter has been full of all kinds of activities which will be remembered with pleasure in years to come. I loved your photo of all the generations and I'm pleased to hear you got rid of that damp can do some terrible damage!

  6. Sounds like you have a had a fun & busy week!

  7. Great update Lizzie, my you have been busy!


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