
Thursday, 20 May 2010

Twice as Happy!

I love logging into my Etsy shop, to find a message that I have sold an item:

Pink Gingham Fabric Flower set, sold today!

But what makes me twice as happy, is when I find I have sold Two!

Papermania "Rose Garden" Paper Flower and Bunting Set, also sold today!!

Happy, happy!


  1. Awesome Lizzie! Congratulations!! :D

  2. Congratulations Lizzie, they are such lovely items :-) I'm working on your list of questions .... early next week should see them up at my place!

  3. Woo hoo!! Good for you :-)

  4. Well done, Lizzie! That is fun news. :o)!!!

  5. Congrats Lizzie! And btw NO WAY about the whole Bristol thing!! DH lived in Bristol for a while and we went with his Dad for a "tour" of the area to have a look at his old home, school etc. I'm sure I took photos, must dig them out. Small world indeed!


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