
Sunday, 13 June 2010

One-Five-Oh... Giveaway!

Post Number 150.  Already.

That's not bad going.  Of course, if I posted every day, it would've happened much sooner... but then, I don't always have anything to post about.. or want to post...

Anyway, I feel a little celebration might be in order, so stick around and I'll give you the low-down on that, lower down the post!

The boys have been at it again... another Warhammer match yesterday. J won again.

My box of Stamps is getting fuller...

I made two more stamps!  I hope that the first one looks like two inter-linked rings inside a heart shape?  I'm not 100% sure about the rim round the edge though... opinions welcomed.

The second is, of course, a dragonfly. I have plans for both of these, so watch out for more in a week or two.

* * *

150th Post Celebration

I thought about this for a few days before I did my 150th post.  I wanted to have a mini-celebration, because I thought 150 posts was quite an achievement, in a way... Anyway, it matters to me and that is important, seeing as this is my blog and I'm proud of it.

So, what to do? How to celebrate?

Well the usual way is to have a Giveaway. A prize.

Never one to flout convention, I thought a Giveaway, with a prize, would be just the thing... 

One of my books? A nice sock toy?

Done that. For my 100th Post I made a tutorial about Sock Rabbits and gave that bunny away (to Spangle).  Then I had another giveaway for World Book Day - one of my own books (won by Deb) and one made by the clever Helen of BadBooks (won by Sian).

Hmm... but I fancied having another giveaway, seeing as the last was 3 months ago.

Lightbulb moment! Idea!

Drumroll here.... drrrrrrrrrrr.....

The Giveaway Prize Will Be:

Hand made lino cut "rubber" stamps!

I will make a set of 3 Stamps for the "First Prize" and one individual stamp for the "Second Prize"!

* * *

Rules - (not that there will be many of these!)

1) If you would like to win one of the two prizes, please leave a comment at the end of this post. 

2) Remember to leave me a way of contacting you - via your blog, or else an e-mail, Facebook, or Twitter address.

3) I will give each comment a number, in the order the comments were left.  I will use a random number generator to pick the winners.  The first number selected will be the First Prize Winner and the next number will win the Second Prize.  I will contact each winner by their preferred method. If I don't hear back, I will try one more time, within a week.  If I still hear nothing, I will reallocate their prize (if it was the first prize, I will give it to the 2nd prize winner and draw a new 2nd prize). 

4) The First Prize will be three stamps, made specially for the winner, from lino circles (as in this post ).  The winner may choose any three from the stamps offered in my Etsy Shop, or I will design new stamps - of simple design - if none of those appeals!

5) The Second Prize will be one stamp, made specially for the winner, from a lino circle.  The winner may choose from the stamps offered in my Etsy Shop, or I will design a new stamp - of simple design.

6) The Giveaway will close at 9pm (BST), Sunday June 20th.  The Prize will be drawn after this time and the winners contacted and their names posted as soon as possible.

* * *

If you're not already a follower of my blog, but you want to enter the draw, feel free to join in - I won't mind. However, I'd be delighted if you would also add yourself to my follow list... I have 59 followers and plan to celebrate when I eventually reach 100 - especially if they are all nice people like my current followers!  So join in and watch out for a Blog Party!

I hope this appeals to everyone. Several people were kind enough to suggest I should offer my stamps for sale, so I feel brave enough to offer them as a prize also!

Good Luck Everyone!


  1. The stamps are gorgeous,Lizzie....what a lovely that dragonfly.

  2. Would love to win stamps!!! And congrats on making it to 150 posts.

  3. Congrats on your milestone, and to the guys on the Warhammer game--I have friends who play.

    I would love to be considered to win, I've been oogling over your etsy site for a bit. I've been following your site for a while, too.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  4. happy 150th post and what a lovely giveaway lizzie.
    Jo xxxx

  5. Well done on reaching the 150 Lizzie!
    Your stamps a re fabulous and I'm sure whoever wins will be thrilled :-)

  6. Yay! Many congrats on reaching 150 posts, I have no clue how many I have done, now I want to check my blog too!

    You are so kind offering your gorgeous stamps as a prize (pick me, pick me! said in a Shrek donkey voice, ha ha ... only kidding!!!!!).

  7. the stamps are fab, would love to win.

    My nephews are into Warhammer and I've painted my fair share of cahracters for them - mostly orks

  8. This is a fabulous prize! And many congrats on reaching 150 posts. That's well worth celebrating.

  9. Congratulations on your 150th post, Lizzie. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I am the lucky winner of this giveaway! Your stamps are so much fun, and I'd love to own that dragonfly! (Might have to arm-wrestle Jacky for it!) :o)

  10. Count me in, Lizzie! Love your stamps. :) Thanks for being so generous!

  11. OOOH! Count me in on this one! I've been eager to see all your new stamp designs! I'm also (extremely!!) impressed as I don't have the patience for lino-cutting and find it wonderful that you've done so many of them just recently.

    ~Karleigh Jae

  12. Congratulations! Worthy of celebration indeed :-) Lovely prize Lizzie, how kind xx

  13. Congrats Lizzie! The birdies on the branch stamps are lovely...


  14. I've not done much stamping, but there are a couple of projects I'd like to try. Your birdies are adorable!

  15. Congrats on 150 posts! Love the stamps~

  16. Congrats on 150 posts and Warhammer brings back memories for me - my boys used to be obsessed with it when they were younger :-)

  17. Congratulations on your 150th post! And thanks for hosting such a generous give away! - Your stamps look great!

    About the heart stamp: I think I would cut the outward rim away. With the outline of the heart and the two rings - there are already quite a lot of circle shaped lines.

    The dragonfly is amazing!

  18. oh, apparently I forgot to enter a way to contact me... for example twitter will be fine: @hilkekurzke

  19. Thanks for the personal invitation. Lovely work, the little street house is so cute!

    Julie: @notesonpaper

    p.s: I think the hearts work fine on their own even without the outer ring :)

  20. Congratulations on your 150th post Lizzie, those stamps look gorgeous.

  21. The stamps are gorgeous - love the dragonfly! I've been reading your blog for a while, but haven't been a follower - that has now changed! Congrats on your 150th post - I am nearly at my 100th and intend to do a giveaway myself then!

  22. Lizzie, this is my first visit to your lovely blog. Your stamps are definitely amazing, please include me in your drawing.

  23. Your stamps are so lovely! Congratulations on the success of your blog!

  24. Love your stamps lizzie, especially the beach hut one a while ago. The dragon fly is gorgeous as well! Thanks for all your advice on etsy, it was much appreciated n given me loads to think about! xxxx

  25. Okay! The Giveaway is now Closed to entries! I will go away and choose two entries at random, as promised.
    A new post with the winners' names will be posted as soon as possible.


I love to read your comments!