
Monday, 26 July 2010

A Bit of Fun... a bit of News

CSI Cat, or Who Shot Sherlock?

Dear old Sherlock has been enjoying this warm weather. My DH took this photo and messed about with Photoshop to make it look like this!

We had a good weekend, with my Best Friend, Su and her 3 children here to stay. We ate our meals in the garden - including this wonderful dessert, made with chocolate, cream and mascarpone, in a home-baked pastry case.  My friend and her daughter brought it and assembled it here.  It was lush!

Choccy and Cream pie/flan... yummy!

It's been a busy week or so.  Lots going on here and I haven't had the energy for blogging. We're all well though - although we made an unscheduled stop at the Dr. on Thursday, as Mum's asthma was bad.  The practice nurse sent her to A&E in an ambulance. They gave her oxygen, checked her chest, blood etc, then sent her home once she was over the attack, with some steroids and antibiotics, to treat what was (luckily) the early signs of a chest infection. She's okay now, but a bit zombified from the tablets. 

Our friends stayed just Saturday night.  The kids camped in a tent, in our back garden - they had a great time - and we had bbq for tea on Saturday. It's been a good weekend, though hard work.  The two eldest children are nearing 6ft (at 15 and 13 years old!) and eat quite a healthy amount - enough for about 4 of my J. who isn't tall yet!  We had an extra shopping delivery on Saturday morning, to make sure the larder could cope with the onslaught.  We all did fine - in fact we had left-over bbq sausages and jacket potatoes for tea last night - great as we were all tired.  The fridge is currently recovering from the extra work! (as am I).

Off to return the visit tomorrow. Su lives in Cheltenham (I posted about a visit there a couple of months back).  She's offered me & J. a billet, so we can go and see my Aunt Kate, who is very poorly just now. She has leukemia, but her system will no longer tolerate the chemo treatment.  She can have blood transfusions, to help with the high white cell count, but otherwise there is little that can be done.  Consequently, she's very tired and unwell now, and the prognosis is not good.  My cousin says she has "months, not years" now.  Had the chemo continued to work, she'd have been around for years... It is sad - I'm very fond of Aunty - but I think she's accepting it and getting on with enjoying whatever life God gives her now.  Anyway, we're paying her some short visits tomorrow and Wednesday, then coming home on Thursday. Staying with Su means we can visit for short spells and not tire her out with guests in the house.  Even if visitors look after themselves, there is something a bit wearing about having people there all the time (even if it is your niece and her well-behaved son!).  D. can't come as he's working, so it's just me and J. tomorrow, for our journey West.

So, this was a shortish post, without many pics. D. took several good photos of our friends this weekend. Mine were a bit rubbish - to be honest I was too tired to bother, so I let him do it! Maybe I'll post a couple of the best pics later in the week. 

Have a good week, all Blog Friends! I'll be back to "normal" soon! 


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your aunt - I'm glad you have this opportunity to visit her xx

    (I love that top pic, by the way!)

  2. hope the trip to aunty cheers her up and you are able to spent good quality time with her. sounds like the weekend went with a banger, get it?
    Jo xxx

  3. Have a good visit with your aunt!

  4. Lizzie, if your are going to post delicious photos of food and rave about how good it is ..... PLEASE supply the recipe!
    Have a lovely visit with Aunty and I hope your Mum is feeling better soon :-)

    Urghhhhh Jo!!!!!!

  5. Lizzie, so sorry to hear about your Aunty, hope your visit goes well.

  6. Hope you enjoy visiting your aunt :), and sorry to hear she is unwell. That delicious-looking chocolate dessert has calorie signs all over it!

  7. It's really good to catch up! I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt, though and I'll be thinking about you all in the months to come.

    You did make me smile with your talk of tall teenagers. My tall teenager is now touching 6'2" at the age of 15 and his poor little 5 2" mother can hardly push the trolley round Sainsburys anymore, its so full!. He says I need to get it delivered..


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