
Thursday, 2 September 2010

LSNED 2010 - The Bloggy Bit

A quick post about Learn Something New Every Day - for those who don't know, this is an online course, run every September, by the wonderful Shimelle.  I joined the course last September and got half-way through the month, before my mum fell ill, ended up in hospital and everything became too chaotic to continue with my little scrapbook!

So, I thought I'd have another go this year. I am making a mini-album again, but I decided to keep that fairly simple - just a quick page each day.  I have set up a separate Page on my blog here - look for the tab above - where I'm keeping a daily blog journal of my September, with its main events.

I decided to make my little album from another book.  A while ago, I made a journal with a hard cover and sketch paper pages. The boards were covered with some great paper I had found, printed with a design of various old-fashioned styles of handwriting and images of ink bottles, pens and nibs.  However, the binding was not very successful (this being a skill I was still learning, I didn't get it quite right) and the book began to collapse!  I had put it away on the shelf, meaning to "do something else with it".  So I have!

I detached the covers from the binding and stuck down the loose edges.

I used my "Big Bite" tool (it's fab!), to punch holes and set some eyelets in the covers.

then I created a collage on the front cover, with the Course Title and various images I like.

I'm quite pleased with these covers.  I will make a page each day and then bind them all together - perhaps with ribbon. 

I think it could be good...

Other News:

First of all, thanks to everyone who responded to Monday's post! It was great to get such supportive and encouraging messages - even offers of help. 

Just to update - I had a reply from Susan, the Organiser.  She's not going to run my workshop in the Autumn Term, but suggested we do it in the Spring Term instead.  I said that I thought we should do something other than "Christmas papercrafts", as I didn't think the children would want to do this in the Spring.  I offered some other ideas and she has told me to choose my favourite, come up with a course summary and send it to her.  If she thinks it will fly, they will offer it as a workshop in March (and assuming the kids agree with her, I will be teaching it!). 

So, I'm very glad I got organised and made myself send in that submission! Looks like I've got myself a job (even if only for 1 day so far!).

My mum's been ill, yesterday and today.  She called at breakfast time yesterday, asking for help. So, that's kept me busy (see also my LSNED blog page - tab above).  She was much better when I left her this afternoon, but I'll probably go over there again tomorrow, at least to make her some lunch (that's what she finds really hard when she's ill and obviously she needs to eat properly to recover). 

J. went back to school today - full of smiles as usual, keen to see his friends and find out what will happen this term.  He's home now, telling me about his day (the "boring" bits and the "cool" bits) and begging to use the computer to play games! 

And now I'm off to sort out the dinner... which we might eat in the garden, as it's so warm and sunny!


  1. Looking good Lizzie! But I just love your idea of the separate page for "the bloggy bit" - this is completely inspired.

    Globe definitely worth a trip inside, you'd love the costume exhibition. Food is also great but pricey!

  2. That looks amazing Lizzie. I like your big bite tool...

  3. LSNED looking good so far Lizzie and wow you have had a busy, busy day so far...our kids been back at school for almost 3 weeks now so its all old hat to them and they settled in fairly quickly - even the little one who has just started...x

  4. Love your LSNED cover, the pic of the calligraphy nibs is really cool. I have a big bite too and really love it - it always suprises me what it can manage to punch through!

    I teach a lot of workshops for Gifted & Talented kids - though my topic is creative writing supported by arts and crafts. My tip to you, if the course runs, is to be prepared for the kids to work at a very different pace. Some will be very careful and merticulous and want to spend ages on one project, others have a short attention span and want to move on to the next thing really quickly - so have little back up projects for time fillers if some are finished and some are not.

    Having said all that, it's incredibly rewarding work, and the students will feel really proud with whatever they make on the day. So I hope it runs really well, and you get to run lots of courses in the future! If you want any more tips, email me at jennifer grace at hotmail dot co dot uk. xxx

  5. Love, love, love the collage on the front cover.

  6. Sorry to hear about your mother xx

    That's good news about the workshop - I know it'll go well! :-)

    And I love your collage and your idea to set up a separate page on your blog, too xx

  7. how do u get the extra bloggy bit for the LSNED posts/
    Jo xxx

  8. your journal is looking great! Hope your mother is doing better today

  9. Lizzie your book looks magnificent! A separate page for the LSNED stuff is a great idea - how do you do that? Is it easy to set up?

    I hope your Mum gets her strength back soon :-)

  10. Love the collage - the idea of a separate page is fab and I hope your mum is better soon xx

  11. Your cover is gorgeous Lizzie, Can't wait to see more :)


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