
Monday, 11 April 2011

Summertime in Spring!

This weekend it was Summer!

How do I know this?
The Trampoline is back in action - we took off the tarpaulin and put up the net enclosure.
The Bouncing Season is On!

Mr LizzieMade has uncovered the garden benches for me...

...and for Sherlock.

Sherlock knows when it's Summer.  He lies in the sunshine...

... in his favourite spots...

... and explores all the interesting corners, looking for frogs and the odd mouse...

Sherlock loves the sunshine.

So do the guinea pigs!

Yet, it's still Spring!

How do I know this?

Pear Blossom - but no Ash leaves...
The Apple Blossom is not out yet...

...but the Narcissi, Grape Hyacinths and Tulips still are...

... so are the Carder Bees - they're searching for nest sites

and nectar - with their long little noses!

It was a beautiful weekend and we had a lovely afternoon in the garden.  Never mind that it's a bit rainy today, Summer was here, even if only for a Weekend.


  1. it was gorgeous here too lizzie. the cats went a bit nutty and starting behaving like kittens again. i sat in the sunshine reading for all i was worth and got burned. always a sure sign it's hot, haha. it felt like i wanted a beer too.
    oh and there was the smell of BBQ,
    Jo xxx

  2. just popped by to say hello now that i am back to being able to view blogger.
    Need to catch up with all the BFS posts, but i did love this summer post

  3. Glad you've had a taste of summer...hope it comes back soon!
    Love the photos
    Alison xx

  4. it really did feel like summer at the weekend. The children were outside the whole time and I felt like I was on holiday! Shame I had to go to work today. Never hard of carder Bees, great photo of the huge nose type thingy!

  5. We are getting Summer weather today - but just for one day. It is headed back to barely Spring temps tomorrow! Great photos!

  6. oh that picture of uncle with the bench made me giggle!!!

  7. Talk about a cat's life! Sherlock's definitely got the right idea.
    Helen :)

  8. Love your husband's moniker, and the pictures of the carder bees are wonderful!!! Thanks for sharing.

  9. What a lovely post! Looks like you had a lovely weekend in the garden :)

  10. We had a lovely sunny weekend too.Our garden furniture was uncoveres and the dog laid in the sun.Let's hope it's the first of many x

  11. Isn't it amazing how a bit of sunshine can lift your spirits and make you feel so good - whether you are a scrapbooker, a cat or a guinea pig! So many more photo opportunities when you can get out and about.

  12. Yes, our trampoline got some use over the weekend too. This is a lovely post, full of the kind of photos which make me want to rush out into the garden and play right now!

    Thank you so much for the kind offer of bits from your book - it sounds just my kind of thing!

  13. I love your photos - your cat is so cute! Have a look at my blog - I have made some sock creatures! Katie

  14. that little bit of summer was lovely wasn't it?! Sherlock looks very happy! He must be boiled though with all that long fur! xx

  15. Yay for Summer! It has been gorgeous here too :)


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