
Friday, 23 September 2011

Bloggers' Crafting Weekend - We Are Going!

Woo-Hoo!  It's all booked and paid for!  I just came off the phone to the YHA at Coalport and I have confirmed our booking, for seven beds, two nights, breakfast on Saturday & Sunday, dinners on Friday & Saturday, plus use of the classroom for our crafts on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.   The confirmation Invoice/Receipt arrived by e-mail a minute ago. 

We are Going! 
For anyone who would still like to sign up.  It will probably be possible to book more beds etc, as the hostel is rarely busy in November. I will happily contact the office and check availability.  Cost will still be £63.40 and I will organise your booking for you, if you send me your pennies (well pounds!).   Don't leave it too long though... just in case! 

The More the Merrier!


  1. How exciting!!!! I can't wait to see who is going!! Well done for organising everything Lizzie xxx

  2. Oh man, sounds like so much fun!! Wish I lived closer so I could attend! :)

  3. If I could just talk DD into changing her Birthday!.......
    Alison xx

  4. Blimey that's not far from me. I'll have to check with the baby sitters....
    Please hop over to my blog this week. I'm celebrating my 50th blog post with a game of Pass the Page if you'd like to join in.

  5. I am just so excited about having the chance to meet everyone. Roll on November :)


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