
Friday, 23 March 2012

Small is Beautiful - especially when there are Peacocks!

My latest book.  A little photo album, with gorgeous covers embellished with peacocks and silk... 

...and pretty wrapped edges,

Silk edging on the covers, with a fringe; Japanese style stab-stitch binding in golden yellow linen,  

Deep blue linings on the covers,

Fifteen pages of smooth, pale blue card, pre-creased at the edges, so they don't crumple when you turn the page. 

I love it! It came out just as I hoped it would and I'm so pleased.  Off to work on the next book now - a small guest book with a Coptic binding.  Toodle-pip!


  1. Beautiful! I love the peacock blue binding - just a perfect match

  2. So very pretty! I love the color combination!

  3. Lovely! One of my favourites - the colours are wonderful.

  4. Love this book and quite bizarrely as I was driving to work this morning I came round a corner to be confronted by 4 peacocks walking along the path by the side of the road! My colleague arrived at work 5 minutes after me and didn't see them on her way so I cannot imagine where they went.

  5. I love the different textures and patterns - really lovely! xox

  6. That is so beautiful and the deep blue goes so well with that luscious fabric - really opulent and elegant. Such great attention to detail

  7. oh so beautiful. The colours the design, everything!

  8. Stunning! What a wonderfully rich blue! This is going to be a treasure for someone ... You are mega-talented.

  9. Beautiful such gorgeous material.

  10. Oh my! Those papers and colours are amazing!


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