
Sunday, 4 March 2012

Storytelling Sunday - March 2012 - a Garden Story in Pictures

Sunday 26th February

Acacia Tree
Overgrown Conifer Hedge
Crazy Corkscrew Willow

Wednesday 29th February

Pruning has begun
Mess everywhere
Clippings all over the garden
Looks terrible! Poor Tree!

Saturday 3rd March

Acacia Tree, with a light trim
Hedge with a haircut
Lovely Corkscrew Willow!

It was a bit painful, to watch the pruning in progress.  I felt that we were injuring the trees, but the results are good and a lot of dead wood was cut out of the willow - making it safer and healthier.

In a couple of months' time, these trees will have their new leaves and they'll look gorgeous!

This story is part of Sian's Storytelling Sunday bloghop, for March.  Go and read some more lovely stories at her blog here


  1. Yes, by summer time it will have all been worth the efforts! I look forward to seeing you all out under the shade of those lovely trees come July!

  2. We've been trying to get the fruit trees pruned before they started blossoming - didn't quite make it in time for the plum but did for the pear and apple.

  3. Always good to give trees a haircut, they don't mind at all!

  4. a good haircut is always a fab idea. just u watch that tree go now,
    jo xxx

  5. What a fantastic difference your tree trimming has made.

  6. Clever photo story - tree surgeons always seem so rough don't they - but the trees do seem to benefit!

  7. Lovely Willow, looks like a skinny whomping willow to me ;-)

  8. Great story told in photos. Beautiful trees!

  9. They will soon be in leaf and looking better for their trim.

    I couldn't watch when we had to have a tree cut down but I could hear the chainsaw it was quite traumatic at the time.

  10. Although it always looks a bit brutal, trees and shrubs do need a good hard prune from time to time and I bet they all look lovely by summer time. My husband always shudders when I head off into the garden with my trusty pruning shears as apparently I don't know when to stop !

  11. Deb's comment made me laugh, as I'm exactly the same...sometimes I wonder if if I HAVE gone too far, but nature is wonderful and so far I've lost very little! Your trees will look glorious come summer Lizzie
    Alison xx

  12. Lets hope Spring is on its way now they have had their hair cut!

  13. Love the way you have told this - I love getting the garden ready for spring and giving everything its haircut!

  14. It often feels like you're destroying them....but they always come back so much better.

  15. looks like our garden when it's being pruned. It will have been worth it.

  16. This is delightful Lizzie. I could feel a smile creeping over my face as it progressed! A lovely way to post and perfect for a words and pictures story today. Thank you!

  17. The trees and bushes will grow all the more for their haircut now. It's that time of year when you want to clear out the old and overgrown to make way for Spring!

  18. I was just like you Lizzie I was so shocked at how bare the garden looked after all the trees and hedge were pruned back... they soon grow!

  19. Lizzie,

    Thanks so much for your comment- it brightened my day. Have you had whiplash before? I hadn't thought about long term effects- I'm wondering if I should wait a few days and then go in if it still hurts?

    Your pictures are just beautiful- I've never been to England and would love to visit sometime.

    Thanks again for your sweet comments (always) and for being such a great follower. I love your blog, as well, and need to get better with commenting!


  20. We had to cut down a sadly distressed corkscrew willow - it didn't seem to notice, the trunk and pieces of branch all sprouted and are growing again. Even those put into concrete...

  21. I hope you'll show us the same trees in bloom.
    Cheers from France

  22. Pruning is so painful to watch isn't it? I look forward to seeing it in the summer

  23. Nice set of photos and well done on getting the pruning done. look forward to seeing the willow and Acacia in full plumage later in the year.

  24. Soon it will be worth all the heartache and hard work, though one has to be brave to prune trees. Great story and photographs.

  25. I always feel better after a good haircut - even if it is a trim - perhaps your garden feels that way too and just can't tell you (yet).

  26. That trim has made such a difference, they sure will look lovely in the summer

  27. Ohhhh ... Please post the photos of them when they are 'dressed' in their leaves. Would love to see the difference.


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