
Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Wednesday Worktable 17th April 2013 - Wool and Feathers!

This post is part of "WOYWW" at Julia's Stamping Ground.  Why not pop over there to see who else is busy this week? After you have read my post, of course!!

So, I am Still Making Books! Of course, it's what I do... but sometimes I do make scrap pages, cards or other crafty stuff....

My Crochet Basket contains a project with a variety of crochet squares. I hope I'll be able to show the finished project soon!
But of course, there are still books! Today I finished a Guest Book, with covers of a very lovely paper, which has been so popular with customers of my shops.  It has a collage design, with a French Country feel, with a lovely bird, colourful butterflies and details of letters & envelopes, plus designs such as you'd see on Provencal tiles.  I love it - so does everyone else, it seems, as I have sold loads of books with this paper on the covers.
Here's a preview, though these photos were taken in artificial light, so they are not particularly good.  At least you can say you saw it here first!
Front cover of the guest book I finished this evening.
It has a fancy binding, in deep aqua-turquoise thread (I'm very keen on this binding style right now!)
Inside the back cover - the covers are lined with a soft aqua Canson art paper.  The pages are a gorgeous cream laid text paper, called "Character".  There are 32 pages, bound in eight sets of four.  This is designed as a guest book, so there are not loads of pages - but it would be equally good as a special sketchbook or a journal.  I just love the cover paper and I'm sure it will find a good home soon.
So I hope you enjoyed seeing what has been on my work table today.  If you are curious about others' projects, hop over to Julia's blog and see what else is happening! 


  1. Lady of many talents, I get bored doing one thing so I am like you.
    Bridget #28

  2. beautiful work. I love your book. Happy crafting #30

  3. Fab book! Love that binding technique you've used. Cute little squares can't wait to see what becomes of them. WOYWWer #3. Nan G

  4. Oooh more crochet here too. Mine is all the colours of the rainbow and although not everyone's cup of tea, I love it,
    Jo xxx

  5. Those are real sorbet colours in the crochet basket...lovely...
    But I really adore the Oriental cover of the book...ooh, cup of tea....yum!
    Hugs, LLJ 37 xxxx

  6. Love the book especially the paper is that Lynne Perrella paper?

    Happy Belated WOYWW
    Eliza 46

  7. Your book is stunning!
    Karen #61

  8. Such gorgeous paper, Lizzie - and your binding is just perfect with it. I really like this type of binding too. I think it;s seeing the signatures folded inside too which is visually so appealing. Crocheting as well? There must be so many more hours in the day over where you live!

  9. It really is a shame that we can't add beading into your crafty melting pot, but sometimes enough is enough.

    Thanks so much for your lovely, lovely comment on my blog (and about my beading) it is very much appreciated. Please feel free to bead vicariously through me at any time! xxx

  10. Hee hee..I'm chuckling at Clair's comment above!

    I am definitely avoiding beading and quilt-making. I daren't start or I might get sucked in... and I have no more time!!

    One day Clair...


I love to read your comments!