
Wednesday, 12 February 2014

One Photo and Twenty Words

Most computers just have a mouse; Dave's has a cat also. Tom believes it's necessary to sit this close.

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This is part of Abi's Meme 'One Photo and Twenty Words':
"Find one photo and choose up to twenty words to tell its story. Jot it down and link back here." 
Why not join in too and leave a link in the post at Abi's blog
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  1. Replies
    1. Hehe, well there wasn't a mouse there, because Dave has a "mouse-pad". Just as well really, don't you think?

  2. I am grinning all over my face here! Super ..

  3. does he like sitting there because the computer is warm? bless him!

    1. Actually, that was one of Tom's videos from You tube (if you search "videos for your cat, or something like that, it's amazing what comes up!). Dave shows him stuff with fishes or birds & Tom loves them! This particular one is a group of cardinals eating seeds (US birdies, similar size to chaffinches, males are bright red). Tom got so absorbed, that he climbed onto the laptop; when I moved round there with the camera, he turned as if to say, "what d'you want?"

  4. Our cats do that to ensure they get attention - I've got a shot recently of Little Miss who just sat on the keyboard looking at Wookie as if to say, "Ahem!" :)

  5. This made me smile - he definitely looks as through he's talking back to you to say "And?..."

  6. This really made me smile :)

  7. Oh Bless him. What a change from that shy cat who wouldn't come out! Thank you for joining in Lizzie.


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