
Saturday, 10 May 2014

One Photo and Twenty Words - May 2014

Does he feel guilty? I think not.  The mummy starling wasn't impressed though, when he tried to eat her baby!

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This is part of Abi's Meme 'One Photo and Twenty Words':
"Find one photo and choose up to twenty words to tell its story. Jot it down and link back here."

Why not join in too and leave a link in the post at Abi's Blog?

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You may notice a bit of a pattern to my "One Photo & Twenty Words" posts... The Furry One features yet again!  This time though, he's in disgrace...


  1. Yikes, that's a pithy story! Dare I ask if the baby bird survived? Unrepentant is the feeling I get, looking at your photo!

  2. Sadly, no! Tom trotted up to Dave with the little starling in his mouth, looking very pleased with himself. He was less pleased with Dave's reaction - "TOM!! Put that bird down!"... then he ran off, pursued by Dave, who made him drop it. Unfortunately it was already dead, so the only option was to wrap it and put it in the bin. Tom was shut indoors for the rest of the morning - he knew we weren't pleased with him, but I don't think it'll stop him catching birds. When the baby robins fledged last weekend, we kept him in for three days, until they could fly away; we're on "blue tit watch", so we can keep him indoors when they fledge too!
    The down-side of having a cat - especially a cat who was a stray and had to fend for - and feed - himself!

  3. What a naughty Tom Cat but only doing what cats do!

  4. Oh no! He doesn't exactly look full of remorse!

    Ha ha! WV = sin

  5. oh dear, mine leapt on to the bird table and got a robin, I was very upset!

  6. One of my daughters cats is a hunter. She put a bell on her collar - on the cat not my daughter - but it didn't help so she bought more bells in an effort to give the birds some warning. So now she has a cat that sounds like a whole troupe of Morris dancers that still brings in dead birds and leaves them under the dining table. Daughter is considering a cow bell next as this might just slow the cat down a little

    1. Oh dear... laughing in ironic sympathy... We had a cat once who killed a wood pigeon almost as large as himself, then dragged it through the cat flap, across the kitchen and into the sitting room, depositing it in the centre of the carpet...
      Short of building an outdoor cat run, so they can't get beyond their enclosure (& the birds can't get in!), I can't think how to stop them, other than keeping them indoors.

  7. Oh Alexa, yes! Unrepentant! He is a rather majestic looking cat though Lizzie!

  8. I was about to ask if the baby had been saved, but I'm guessing the "in disgrace" means not..

  9. Oh dear....but natural cat behaviour....luckily the cat we have now is far too lazy to bother chasing birds!!

  10. So! I'm a cat!! he seems to be saying. He is very beautiful though :)

  11. Oh Tom. He reminds me of the cats in TS Eliots poems! My cat used to bring me 'presents'. He once left me a mouse on my homework. My teacher didn't believe me when I said I couldn't hand it in because a mouse had died on it! Nearly as bad as 'the Dog ate my homework'!

  12. Oh dear ... naughty Tom
    Laughing at the cow bell idea though!

  13. Oh dear - poor baby. Laughing at the cow bell idea tho' ;)


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