
Friday, 20 March 2015

Wednesday Worktable - 18th March 2015 - and More Leather!

This is my contribution to WOYWW (What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday), over at JuliaDunnit's Blog. Each Wednesday, Julia invites fellow crafters and bloggers to show a photo or two of their worktables, and explain what they've been doing. 

I've missed a few weeks, as it's been pretty busy here. What's more, today is actually Friday and I'm late for this week too!  However, I have made a few things during my busy spell and my worktable was busy this week, so I thought I would show you what's been going on here.  I'm afraid they're all "finished" photos now, as I forgot to take my In Progress desk shot - sorry!


This notebook is a gift for a friend.  I was in Cambridge for a day last week and spent some time in the wonderful Fitzwilliam Museum.  This card was for sale in their shop.  It's an image from an old Russian matchbox; the museum has a number of these matchboxes, all decorated with interesting and artistic designs. 
My friend loves all things Zebra, so I bought the card, then decided to add a section of paper and make it into a useful notebook for her bag.   I haven't given it to her yet - I hope she will like it! 

 Red Leather Sketchbook 

This is another gift - it must be Giving Nice Things to your Friends Week! 
A lovely artist I know did something wonderful for me last week.  I decided I would love to send her a present, to show how much I appreciate her, as she's become a lovely friend over the past few months. Bright red and turquoise are a common theme in her colour palette and somehow I associate them with her, so I chose a bright piece of red leather and some beautiful deep turquoise handmade Thai tissue to line it.  I cut pages from smooth white drawing paper and special cold-pressed watercolour paper, then stitched it all together.  

A couple more shots, to show off its loveliness.  I really like this book and was so excited to send it off.  

The book was finished and ready to send - in fact she has now received it and was as surprised and pleased as I had hoped! 

These two have now been replaced with some more piles of paper and leather - more journals on the way. Watch this space!  
* * *

That's my contribution to the WOYWW Story this week - thanks for reading.  

Why not pop over to Julia's Stamping Ground and see what else is going on in the crafting world?


  1. Nice work happy WOYWW
    Peggy #72

  2. The notebook is really gorgeous! Love the bright colours... and the zebra is wonderful. I love those old, graphic images and the Russian characters give it that special look, gorgeous! Thanks for your visit to my blog earlier. Yes, I started working on the folded strip for the mini journal.. finally! I haven't brought mini art journals to fairs before so I don't know if they will sell... my handbind books that I sell are all blank but some have coloured pages (like light green or pink) I love that colour of ink - I bought me a similar colour Stazon a while ago ('teal blue') and am very happy with it! Happy (belated) woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #45

  3. I love the idea of using a greeting card as a journal cover. However, my absolute favorite here is that gorgeous red leather bound sketchbook you made for your artist friend. Blessings!

  4. Such a vibrant contrast, that red and blue ... and I love your Zebra journal. I also know someone for whom zebras are important, and I'd love to give her a journal like that so if you are ever making another one, can you let me know?

  5. That zebra cover is delightful!

  6. Great presents for your friends I am sure they will be thrilled.
    The leather is a great book and something I have been playing with too as I recently did a leather course.
    The idea of using a gift card and adding a signature of paper to it is a great idea-so simple but so effective.
    Thanks for visiting my desk already
    Kyla #16


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