
Saturday, 17 April 2010

Sneaky Peek...

At last I have finished this commission book!  I've just finished posting a special Page, just for the book's new owner, so she can see what I've made for her, and I've put the custom order in my shop (so she can pay me, hee hee!).

I can't show you the book yet - that wouldn't be fair... but I don't think she would mind some sneaky sneaks...

I am so pleased with this book. I've had a lovely time making it and it looks really good.  It's similar to the baby album I made for my niece  - see this post from March (scroll down a little bit!), or this listing in my Etsy shop!
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And the other news...

The sun has been shining on us... the garden looks lovely...
our willow tree is coming into leaf...
and some of my favourite flowers are blooming in the borders!

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and lastly:
These two bags belong to J.  He is off on a school trip tomorrow, for a week in Normandy, France.  This is the first school holiday he has been on. Up til now, he has always said he didn't want to go away without his parents.  However, last October, when the letters were sent home, J. asked if he could please go on the Normandy trip!  So we said "Yes, of course!" - rather surprised, but pleased he had decided all on his own (especially as, in the summer holidays, he had been adamant about not wanting to go!).

So tomorrow morning, at the crack of dawn (well a bit after, but not much!), we will be walking round the corner, so he can get on the coach and go to France! 

Luckily for everyone, they are going there by train, so no problems with cancelled flights. Phew!


  1. have a safe trip j, make sure u take loads of piccies for scrapbooking back home, bon voyage
    au revoir,
    Jo xxx

  2. The book looks gorgeous, Lizzie :-) As does the sunshine!

    Safe journey to J xx

  3. That book is just beautiful Lizzie!

    And your garden... Hooray for the sun!! Just lovely.

    I wish I could go on a holiday to France! What a great school trip!

  4. How exciting for J! That sort of trip rarely happens here ... we are so isolated!
    You have been so busy with that gorgeous book, I'm sure it will be appreciated. Enjoy your garden as the weather looks so lovely there now :-)

  5. Lovely album, and your garden is wonderful. Hope the trip goes well.

  6. Beautiful book..I'm sure that you'll have one satisfied customer! I'm glad to hear that the school trip hasn't been cancelled :) (We're a bit worried about next Tues when DS and his german class are due to fly to Strasbourg on a special trip they won)

  7. Oh that book is gorgeous! And your garden looks lovely too; makes me laugh thinking of hubby planting some cucumber and pepper seeds on our balcony!!! Hope your son has a lovely trip, it must be really exciting going on such an adventure!

  8. What a great opportunity for J to go on a school trip like this. It's going to be strange for you to not have him around all week! Have fun!!! [wink]


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