
Saturday, 21 January 2012

Knuston Idea and Opinions Wanted

Hello again everyone.

Well, it looks as if the Pass the Page blog hop has been a success - thank you Julie, it was a great idea! 


I'm posting again today, to see if anyone is interested in my Knuston crafting idea - see the previous post here, for more information.  I would like to sort it out reasonably quickly, so if you do want to come along - or you might do - please give me a shout.

It's not an "official" Bloggers' crafting trip or anything, just a little holiday for anyone who fancies some crafting and company in a really nice, relaxing setting.  Knuston is tucked away in a small village and is surrounded by fields, plus its own gardens, so it's a lovely and peaceful spot. 

I'm happy to make the initial booking, which will reserve the craft room for us.  But there is no point going all on my own - I may as well stay home and craft here (in between doing the laundry etc!).  If two or three friends care to join me, then it'll be worth making the booking at Knuston - I'm sure we'd all have an enjoyable break.

Bloggers' Scrapping Weekend No. 2

On the subject of Bloggers going away to do crafts...  I did promise that we'd try and organise another Weekend, particularly for those who couldn't make it in November.
The original dates that were (tentatively) mentioned, were weekends at the start of March.

I wonder how you all feel about one of the weekends at the beginning of March, or else the end of April or 2nd weekend in May?
Whenever we decide we want to go, we need to get our skates on to find a venue and make bookings.  Jo has very kindly started some enquiries for suitable venues, but I thought it would be a good idea to check who might be interested - and when.  That would help us when enquiring for availability and prices. 

Sooooo..  Who might like to go to a Second Bloggers' Scrapping Weekend? 
March - 1st or 2nd weekend - 2nd-4th or 9th-11th March?
April - 3rd or 4th weekend - 20th-22nd or 27th-29th April?
May - 2nd weekend - 11th-13th May?

Any opinions please?


  1. Have some more info to pass on. Personally would prefer April/May time but might be able to do March.
    Jo xxx

  2. Hello Lizzie. I would love to come on the next Bloggers' weekend, but cannot do March, as my husband has a big birthday! Late April/early May would be great :o)

  3. I certainly can't do March ... I'm off to Las Vegas with girls from my crop!!
    I shall be watching developments with interest in case I can join in with the majority!

  4. May would be fab for me as it would be like a late-ish b'day pressie to myself & time to save up for it :-)

  5. I need to consult with the babysitters!
    I have DD's father here this w/e so am only now managing to catch up and comment on the hop. Back to that now!!!!

  6. ooh just popped on and seen the bloggers weekend update looks like I might be able to come after all! I need to go home and check weekends but will try and fit in with the majority! Sorry Lizzie offered to help then read about the weekend in April and thought that was it will try and be more helpful! xxx

  7. Sounds like we should maybe try for May then, or late April...

  8. I'd also be looking at the end of April or sometime in May, if I was to come along. And, really, I wouldn't want to miss out on seeing all of my most favourite people again x


I love to read your comments!