
Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Bloggers' Crafting Weekend 2013 - Errr....


A Confession....

Erm, I have a confession to make.  In my last Post about the Bloggers' Weekend, I said we had 16 people coming and the bookings are full.
So, let's try again. 
I messed up and so, there are in fact, 17 people coming....  I had accepted 16 Confirmations (not including me).  But I forgot to add that vital Name to "The List of Who is Going". 
I have this super-dooper spreadsheet on my computer, where I am keeping track.  I have a sheet of "People", where I have all enquirers, previous attendees etc, listed by name, with blog names, e-mail address, approx location in the world, which dates they were free, whether they said they could come....
And I have "The List" on a separate sheet, with name, if they have paid (and how much, just to be sure), whether they offered to do a demo/workshop, any specific job they would do, have a food allergy or dislike, if they preferred to self-cater for dinner, or get the YHA to do it, wanted a lift share if possible... 
See? I was being Very Organised.
Only... with all the Blogging, Facebooking, Tweeting, Texting and E-mailing... I forgot to add someone's name to that all-important List.  So, when she contacted me to remind me she needed my paypal address, for her payment.... Panic ensued (well I ought to say "confusion" actually, as I didn't panic really - just sat scratching my fuzzy duh-brained head). 
I can't say "No you can't come now, because I gave your place to someone else, even though you confirmed you were coming", can I?  I felt mean having to turn away genuine "latecomers"...
So, we are now 17 people. 
And now, we really are Full Up!
* * *