
Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Bloggers' Crafting Weekend 2013 - The Latest News

Soooo, we are Going!  The Crafting Weekend is booked and people have confirmed their places!
That is the Good News.
The less good news (bad news for some), is that we have now reached our "Max" of 16 people. 
We want it to be a smallish and friendly group; also the hostel is not huge, even though it officially "sleeps" 30.  The sitting room doesn't hold all those guests at once and we need space in the dining room, for scrapping and crafts, as well as eating. 
I am sad to have to turn people away - sorry if it is you.  However, I will keep a "Waiting List", in case anyone drops out.  Let me know if you would like to be added to that list. 
* * *

Current Plans and News

The Group has set up a Facebook Group, for all who are coming along, or interested in attending.  If you are on Facebook, you can find me ("Liz Gillum"), Ruth ("Ruth Sim") or K. ("Kirsty Frisby") and ask to be added to the group.  You'll be welcome to join in the chat and waffle.
Some Plans have been made and ideas discussed:
For instance, the general consenus on meals, was that we will pay the YHA to make our dinners for us, but we'll organise our own breakfasts, lunches and snacks.  Last year we had B&B plus evening meal, at the Coalport hostel.  We were given very nice dinners - three courses, plus salad - for a really reasonable charge (under £10).  
The charge this time has yet to be confirmed, but it will be somewhere around £10-£12 per dinner, I believe.   I have collected people's booking fees, but not the dinner cost, so I'll contact everyone soon, with a price for this. 
We are going to have a Jobs List and share out some of the organisation.  Last year, I did much of it myself and was suitably shattered by the time the Weekend came round!  This year, as I have a lot less spare time, I am roping in other people.  Some offers have been made, to help with various things. I will go through these soon and get in touch.  Those people will co-ordinate one of a number of things, such as organising food for specific meals, sorting out lifts to or from the coach / bus / rail stations (if needed) etc etc... 
Workshops & Demos:
Some people have offered to do demos or mini-workshops, in areas of crafting that interest them.  I'll go into more detail soon. 
We will also have "Ruth's Challenge" again this time.  I'll leave it for Ruth to elaborate at some future date!
A few people have asked if I'll do something related to bookbinding - I'm thinking about this; if you have particular needs/ wants for this, do let me know and I will think about that too! 

At this point, that's as far as things have got.  More planning will be done, more ideas thought up and talked about, more cakes and cookies promised (!).... But it's early days yet.  I would like to have the money side of things organised fairly soon, since our pocket money will soon be tied up in our Christmas Shopping plans.  Otherwise, we have plenty of time to get ourselves organised (not that I plan on dawdling).

I will try to sort out "Jobs" quite soon, so we have an idea of what needs to be done and who is responsible for making sure it happens (ie. who to blame...he hee hee...).  
The rest will probably just come together gradually.

I am so pleased we've been able to get this organised.  I am sorry if you have missed out, either because the date wasn't suitable, or because you were too late to snag a place.   I'm hoping that we will organise another Weekend in 2013 - perhaps in October or November.  I'll keep half an eye open for a good venue and let you know if I come up with anything good. 

Looking forward to meeting up with my Blog friends - old and new!



  1. well done Lizzie looking forward to it already xxx

  2. Thank you so much for doing all this organising,Lizzie.....I'm so looking forward to it.

  3. So disappointed I didn't manage to book up but please keep me on the waiting list. Everyone have a brilliant time x

  4. Yes, thanks for organising this Lizzie. I sounds like it will be great fun.

  5. Aww Jo.C! Sorry you didn't manage to get organised in time! I will add you to the "Waiting List".
    Feel free to join the Facebook Group anyway, and join in the general chat. X

  6. I'm adding my thanks to you too Lizzie...great job in organizing what promises to be a fun time!!
    Alison xx

  7. Thank you everyone - It's nice to be appreciated!
    I will draw up a "Jobs List" soon and start delegating!
    Do look at the new Page I have set up for the Weekend - list of Attendees is on there, besides other info.

  8. Hi Lizzie...I must have missed the final call & as I said I couldn't stay the entire weekend anyway! But I wonder if it would be possible to pop in for a cuppa on the Saturday, just to meet everyone IRL so to speak! I promise not to take up too much valuable crafting time!! I'll even bring cake!!! ;D

    1. That sounds lovely Sandi! I'm so looking forward to meeting you. Do come along - I'll give you a shout tomorrow (when I'm at my computer!), about arrangements.

  9. Thanks so much for organising this, Lizzie. I'm so excited, can't wait!! And we'll all rally round and do as much as possible to help, please do delegate as many jobs as you need to xx


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