Best Blogs and Wondrous Websites
A list of blogs and websites I like. Why not explore and meet some new people?Business Advice & Information
- Handmade Lives - Helping UK Craftspeople Make a Living (Dixie Nichols)
- Jenny Hyde - Mentor, Writer, Advocate (Jenny Hyde)
- Altered Book Lover - Altered Book Tutorials and other things (Bleubeard & Elizabeth)
- Artist Books - Online forum for Book Arts
- Badger and Chirp - Karleigh Jae and Daniel Heywood, Bookbinders
- Bibliosophy - Bookbinder and Crafter
- Big Jump Press - Sarah Bryant, Letterpress & Bookbinding
- Bookbinder's Chronicle - Bookbinding and Restoration, MHR
- Bookbinding Etsy Street Team
- BooksbyStephen
- Buechertiger - Hilke Kurzke's Bookbinding Blog (and other projects)
- CaiLun Info - Paper and Bookmaking Blog
- Casa Do Artista - Fabriano Handmade Paper (Video via Facebook page)
- Comfortable Shoes - Leslie Herger, Book Binder and Artist
- Geraldine Newfry - Book Binder and Artist
- Leijonstedt - Mia Leijonstedt's Handmade Books
- Lili's Bookbinding Blog - Bookbinder and Artist - Beautiful work
- LizzieMade's Etsy Shop - My handmade books for sale
- London Centre for Book Arts - Blog and Website
- Losing Her Marbles - Nancy Langford, Book Binder and Paper Marbler
- Making Handmade Books - The Blog of Alisa Golden, fabulous bookbinder and writer
- My Pen Brush and Pencil - Printmaking and Book Arts from Alison and Dinah
- My Handbound Books- Rhonda Miller, Bookbinder and Paper Marbler
- Parkside Harmony - Erica, another wonderful Bookbinder
- Red Pumpkin Studio - Jennifer, Bookbinder, Artist
- TJBookarts - Bookbinding Tutorials on the Web
- They are Giants - a Film by Koert Davidse, 2010
- Thoughts & Images - Mia Leijonstadt, Bookbinder & Artist
- Tulibri - Handbound books, by Astrid Haas
- ah buchkunst - Artist Books and sculpture, by Astrid Haas
- Useful Books - Cindy Leaders, handmade journals
- Why Not Eight - Sara, various crafts and arty projects -all fabulous!
- Windy Weather Bindery
- Yehuda Miklaf - Bookbinder
- Art Can Be Fun - Mariann Johansen-Ellis' Printmaking and Courses in Spain
- Curiously Drawn Blog - Mark Mason, Woodblock Print Artist
- Dave Lefner - Reduction Linocut Artist
- Ink Meets Paper - Aardvark Press & McManus & Morgan Paper (via Etsy Blog)
- Lino Cut Boy's World - Printmaker, Linoprint artist
- Liz Toole - Printmaking Artist
- Mariann Johansen-Ellis - Printmaker and Artist
- Praeterita - Philip Hartigan
- So I was thinking... Lori Dean Dyment Artist Printmaker Illustrator
Other Artists and Paper Crafters
Paper Marbling
- Letter by Letter - Barb Skoog, ("Marbler, Writer, Traveller and Lover of all things Food")
- My Handbound Books - Rhonda Miller, bookbinder and marbler
- Cats - Covered in Cat Hair - Robin Olson - Cat Writer and Rescuer
- Food - Love Lactose Free Life - Emma Louise, mine of info for allergy/intolerance sufferers