Friday, 4 December 2009

Prize Reminders, Sales and Nasty Needles

Hello All Friends!

No post yesterday.  I had my Swine Flu jab and felt so tired last night, that I headed off to bed early.  Still feel a bit out of it this evening, but I brought my computer with me this time!  The jab was worth it, if it means I am unlikely to get the 'flu, but the side effects are a bit of a pain - literally, as my left arm is rather stiff and doesn't like being touched, also I've had a bit of a headache this afternoon. Still, I should be fine by tomorrow - my mum had her jab on Tuesday and was fine by Thursday.  A medal goes to the nurse/dr that gave me the jab too, as I didn't even feel it!

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BEST Event

Firstly then, a reminder that my Etsy Team - Bookbinding Etsy Street Team (BEST) have a special event until the end of tomorrow, December 5th.

The Event offers a "ticket" for a prize draw for each $10 spent in participating shops.  Follow the link top right to see the latest post about the prizes or click here to go to the list of participating shops.  

If you are planning on doing some online Christmas shopping, this is really a good time to do it.  The three Prize Baskets are amazing and there are also some $30 gift vouchers up for grabs too.  There are videos posted on the Team Blog, showing all the prize items.  If you were to win one of the baskets, you'd have your Christmas presents pretty well sorted! Failing that, if you buy from any of the BEST shops, I'm sure you will be very happy with your purchase.

Don't be put off by the pricing in US$, if you are not American - this currency convertor can help!  Also, you don't have to have a shop on Etsy to be a buyer - just open a buyer account and off you go.  You can use Paypal to pay - you don't need a Paypal account either - just use a credit or debit card. Your card details are then not revealed to the seller, so it is very secure too.  It's easy, peasy!

And just a plug for me! I am now offering Free Shipping on All items in my Etsy shop, until after the Holiday Season. That includes shipping to any destination.

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My Giveaway

Also, do remember to drop by my previous post and take a look at the bit about the Giveaway.  I am offering a copy of a lovely book of Art Photography.  To qualify, you need to follow the links to the Book preview on Blurb and then leave a Comment after that post. It's not hard, but you may win the book - it was created by my niece, who is really quite talented.  Definitely something worth having, so go and give it a try!

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More Sales, Yippee!

This morning, before I went out, I logged on to my shop to check if there were any sales that I should deal with. No, there weren't. So off I went.  An hour later I logged in again - I had sold both Sock Pets in my absence!  It's great this online shop thing - I don't even have to be there to make sales!

That's all three Amigos in a week! Definitely time to start making more.



  1. Lizzie, congratulations on your sales - must be such a rewarding feeling to see them go to a good home ;-)
    Thanks for you lovely words - as always - on my blog,I'm enjoying keeping up with a few lovely girls from BfS .... hope the flu jab side-effects pass soon!

  2. Poor you with the jab xx

    Yay you with the sales!! :-)


I love to read your comments!


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